There are a lot of activities that you can do at home with your preschool children like reading to them, playing and exploring. But it is extremely important to add professional preschool learning to mould the child’s style and improve their capability even if its just a few hours a week. this will ensure that all facets of learning which are just being developed in the child’s brain, are addressed and get the right impetus to flourish.\r\n\r\nAt birth, your child’s brain is only 25% developed and they have BILLIONS of cells that haven’t even been connected into working networks (synapses). By the time they are 3-4 years old, their brain has developed TRILLIONs of connections…all from experience they’ve had in those 3-4 years! It is during this critical period (the first 8 years) when enriched environments and increased stimulation can have the greatest impact on brain development. Learning at any age should be meaningful. Meaningful learning in Early Childhood happens through play and exploration and a conscious effort has to be made to introduce the child to shapes, colors, numbers and letters.